Micro Capacitor Discharge Unit (CDU)
Our smallest ever high power Capacitor Discharge unit. Designed to work with point motors from all manufacturers.
- Provides a high current pulse to "snap" points across positively from the 4700uF capacitor.
- Limits subsequent points current to prevent coil burn out.
- Prevents voltage drop to other parts of the installation during points action.
- Operates on AC or DC.
- Up to 20v input
Please note that PCB Pillars / Standoffs will be required for the circuit board. These fit into the 4 pre drilled holes of the circuit board. We have varies types available in our store PCB Pillars / Standoffs
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Micro Capacitor Discharge Unit
Micro Capacitor Discharge Unit Wiring Instructions

The drawing above shows a very simple arrangment using the capacitor discharge unit (CDU) with one point motor connected.